Archaeology Services located in Boise Idaho
Why Wright? Wright Consulting Services is a woman owned small business located in Boise, Idaho. We are able to travel to almost any project area in the western states. We pride ourselves in building strong working relationships with clients and agencies, and finishing projects on time and within budget.
Chestnut Heights Subdivision. United States Army Corps of Engineers.
The Park at Expo Idaho. United States Army Corps of Engineers.
Mowry State Park Development Archaeological and Historical Survey Report. Idaho Department of Recreation.
Blue Mountain Subdivision Archaeological and Historical Survey Report. United States Army Corps of Engineers.
Round Valley Subdivision NNW-2024-00060. US Army Corps of Engineers.
KN21884; FY27 D2 Bridge Repair. Cultural Survey Investigation. Idaho Transportation Department. (Archaeological survey and report collaboration for TAG Historical Research & Consulting).
Whispering Creek Subdivision. United States Army Corps of Engineers. (Archaeological survey and report collaboration for TAG Historical Research & Consulting).
City of Cascade, Cascade Water System Improvements. USDA.
City of Cascade, Vault Toilet. City of Cascade and the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation.
Ridenbaugh Canal Diversion Structure Modernization. Bureau of Reclamation. (Archaeological survey and report collaboration for TAG Historical Research & Consulting).
Hayden Homes Pebblebrook Subdivision. (Archaeological survey and report collaboration for TAG Historical Research & Consulting).
Starling Springs Subdivision Cultural Resources Investigation. United States Army Corps of Engineers. (Archaeological survey and report collaboration for TAG Historical Research & Consulting).
Kokanee Cove Water Line Archaeology Survey. Idaho Parks and Recreation.
Hexon Road Bridge. Key Number 27415. The Local Highway Technical Assistance Council (LHTAC) Leading Idaho Local Bridge (LILB) Program.
Marsing Solar Farm. Project Number 23533. USDA.
Syringa Fiber Optic FY23 Archaeological and Historical Survey Report. Bureau of Land Management, Four Rivers Field Office.
LHTAC LIBL-10 Bridges. The Local Highway Technical Assistance Council. (Archaeological survey and report collaboration for TAG Historical Research & Consulting).
A Cultural Resource Inventory for the Leading Idaho Local Bridge Program. Bridge Key Numbers 23785 and 23790. (Archaeological survey and report preparation for The Arrowrock Group).
Mormon Bridge, Fairfield Idaho. United States Army Corps of Engineers.
Activity Barn, McCall Idaho. United States Army Corps of Engineers.
Pine Creek Ranch, McCall Idaho. Army Corps of Engineers.
Bear Lake North and East Beach Pit Toilets. Idaho Department of Recreation.
Camp Perkins, Sawtooth National Recreation Area, United States Forest Service.
Jango Acres, McCall. Department of Environmental Quality.
Jango 1B, McCall. Department of Environmental Quality.
Homedale Municipal Airport Security Fencing Project, Federal Aviation Administration.
Brundage Mountain Resort Inadvertent Discovery Plan.
US 26 Puzzle Culverts, Bingham and Butte Counties, Idaho. Idaho Transportation Department (also Bureau of Land Management)
Archaeological and Historical Survey Report for 230 North Collins Road, Boise. US Geological Service.
Tomeda Cabin Sawtooth National Recreation Area. Archaeological Survey and Report Results for The Arrowrock Group.
Camp Perkins Archaeological Survey Sawtooth National Recreation Area. US Forest Service.
CJ Strike House Archaeological Survey and Report. Bruneau ID. Idaho Fish and Game.
Fort Boise WMA Pit Repairs, Parma, ID Archaeological Survey and Report for Idaho Fish and Game.
Dermot Putnam, 411 Valley View Subdivision (Lot 41) Stanley, ID. Archaeological survey and subsurface testing of a cabin in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area.
Boise Airport Management Plan Cultural Clearance Report. Archaeological survey and report in collaboration with Preservation Solutions LLC. FAA.
T-Mobile Project: SL02188A (Skyway Eagle) 6188 North Eagle Hills Way, Eagle, Idaho.
Archaeological Monitoring of a cellular tower installation.
Boise River WMA New Building Cultural Clearance 2017, Ada County. Archaeological Survey and Report for Idaho Fish and Game and US Wildlife Service.
Friedman Memorial Airport Land Acquisition and Obstruction Removal, Blaine County. AIP#3-16-0016-044-2017 Archaeological Survey and Report In collaboration with Preservation Solutions LLC for J-U-B Engineers, Inc.
Clear Creek Road Guardrail Project, Idaho County. Project No. A019(015) Key No. 19015 Idaho Transportation Department. Cultural Resource Survey and Report for J-U-B Engineers, Inc.
Coyote Grade Guardrail Project, Idaho County. Project No. A018(873) Key No. 18873 Idaho Transportation Department Cultural Resources Survey and Report for J-U-B Engineers, Inc.
Pine Creek Bridge, Shoshone County. Project No. A013(872), Key No. 13872. Archaeological Survey for Arrowrock Architects PLCC.
US-95 Weiser River RR Bridge, Adams County
Project No.: A013(951) Key No.: 13951 Idaho Transportation Department Archaeological survey for Arrowrock Architects PLLC.
Avimore Phase II Survey, archaeological and historical survey and report for Environmental Conservation Services, Boise.
Archaeological and Historical Report Ada County Idaho/ Linder-Chinden Property, archaeological survey and report for Environmental Conservation Services, Boise.
Mayfield Townsite Development archaeological and historical survey and report, Environmental Conservation Services, Boise.
Osprey Ridge archaeological and historical survey and report, Environmental Conservation Services, Boise.
Kastera Homes Mayfield Springs Planned Community Archaeological Reconnaissance. Archaeological survey and report for a Planned housing development twenty miles southeast of Boise adjacent to I-84. URS Corporation.
Kastera Homes Coldwater Estates archaeological survey and report for a planned community thirteen miles southwest of Nampa adjacent to the Snake River. URS Corporation.
Kastera Homes Buck 278 planned community. Archaeological survey and report for 278 acres west of Boise in the foothills between Beacon Road to the south, Horseshoe Bend Road (SH 55) to the east, and Eagle Road to the west. URS Corporation.
Kastera Homes Gopher Boise Foothills planned community archaeological survey and report for 277 acres in the Boise Foothills bordered by Hill Road to the south and extending between 36th street to the west and Bogus Basin Road to the east. URS Corporation.
URS Corporation. Kastera Homes Tiger 979 planned community archaeological survey report for 979 acres nine miles south of Nampa north of the Snake River. URS Corporation.
URS Corporation. Kastera Homes Running Horse planned community archaeological survey and report for 160 acres in agricultural land near Deer Flat Reservoir. URS Corporation.
URS Corporation. Kastera Homes Trailhead 104 planned community archaeological survey and report for 660 acres west of Boise on the northwest side of SH 55 at Spring Valley Road. URS Corporation.
Isaacs Canyon Archaeological survey and report for a 3,500-acre parcel of land adjacent to I-84. URS Corporation.
King Hill Meteorological Towers archaeological survey and report for four tower installations between Gooding and Mountain Home. URS Corporation.
Galena Communications Tower archaeological survey and report for a cell tower installation at Galena Summit, located approximately twenty-eight miles northwest of Ketchum.
Kastera Homes Osprey Ridge planned community archaeological survey and report for 1,700 acres near Mora Idaho about thirteen miles southwest of Boise. TRS Range Services.
USDA Forest Service, Plumas National Forest. Sugar Etals National Heritage Survey, Plumas County California. Project Principal investigator for Native X Archaeology.
Idaho Fish and Game Anadromous Fish Screen Program. Cultural Resources Survey and report for Goat and Meadow Creeks Anadromous Fish Screening Archaeological Services for SVCMC-01, SVCMC-02, and SVCGC-01 through SVCGC-05.
Cultural resources monitoring for the SChaC-01 Anadromous Fish Screen Structures Installation. Idaho Fish and Game Anadromous Fish Screen Program.
Heritage Program Technical Report for Galena Lodge Shovel Testing SW_03-2184. Sawtooth National Forest.
Idaho Archaeological and Historical Survey Report Cultural Resources Survey for Bohannon Creek Anadromous Fish Screening Archaeological Services for LBC-3, 4, 5, & 6. Lemhi County. Idaho Department of Fish and Game.
Idaho Archaeological and Historical Survey Report Cultural Resources Survey for Kenny Creek Anadromous Fish Screening Archaeological Services for LKC-02 and LKC-03, Bureau of Land Management Cultural Resources Use Permit ID-I-34949. Idaho Department of Fish and Game.
Upper Pahsimeroi Fish hatchery. Idaho Power Company.
Gannett to Silver Creek Bridge Project Number: NH-2340 (101), Key Number: 7028. Idaho Transportation Department District 4.
Mullan Avenue Greensferry to SH-41 Post Falls Project, STP-7645(100), Key 9026. Idaho Transportation Department.
8th Avenue West and Date Street, Jerome County, Idaho; Project No. STP-8032(002) Key No. 3787. Idaho Transportation Department.
USDA Forest Service, Lassen National Forest, California. Backbone Survey of 9,000+ acres of Lassen Volcanic Park.
Junction Avonmore Road in Gooding County on US-26, Project # ST-2350(617), K # 9109. Idaho Transportation Department District 4.
South Fork Payette River Bridge at Lowman, Idaho. Project # BR-3290(111), Key # 8093. Idaho Transportation Department District 3.
US 30 400 West Road to Burley, Cassia County Project Number ST-7622(607), Key No. 8370. Idaho Transportation Department.
Rex Leland Highway, Gooding County, Cultural resource inventory Project No. STP-2779(101) Key No.862. Idaho Transportation Department.
Marsing to Sunny Slope Curve Addendum Archaeological and Historical Survey Report Project No. NH-3250(101) Key No. 0088. Idaho Transportation Department.
Archaeological and Historical Survey Report for the Milner–Gooding Canal Bridge replacement Project No. ST-2790(610) Key No. 8261. Idaho Transportation Department.
Bellgrove to Mica Archaeological and Historical Survey Report Project No. DHP-NH-CM-5110(119) Key No. 2815. Idaho Transportation Department.
Idaho Transportation Department. Prairie Road to Huetter Ave Project No. STP-7045 (100) Key No. 8479. Idaho Transportation Department.
Cultural Resources Survey for Obstruction Removal Project AIP-3-16- 0022-16, 17 & 18 0022-1 Lewiston Airport RSA & FAR Part 77 Nez Perce County, Idaho. Federal Aviation Administration.
49 Survey. USDA Forest Service, Lassen National Forest, California. (Crew leader for Native X).
Canyon Survey of 947 acres in the Klamath River canyon for Section 110 review (Field Archaeologist for Native X). Bureau of Land Management, Klamath Canyon, Oregon.
Chestnut Heights Subdivision. United States Army Corps of Engineers.
The Park at Expo Idaho. United States Army Corps of Engineers.
Mowry State Park Development Archaeological and Historical Survey Report. Idaho Department of Recreation.
Blue Mountain Subdivision Archaeological and Historical Survey Report. United States Army Corps of Engineers.
Round Valley Subdivision NNW-2024-00060. US Army Corps of Engineers.
KN21884; FY27 D2 Bridge Repair. Cultural Survey Investigation. Idaho Transportation Department. (Archaeological survey and report collaboration for TAG Historical Research & Consulting).
Whispering Creek Subdivision. United States Army Corps of Engineers. (Archaeological survey and report collaboration for TAG Historical Research & Consulting).
City of Cascade, Cascade Water System Improvements. USDA.
City of Cascade, Vault Toilet. City of Cascade and the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation.
Ridenbaugh Canal Diversion Structure Modernization. Bureau of Reclamation. (Archaeological survey and report collaboration for TAG Historical Research & Consulting).
Hayden Homes Pebblebrook Subdivision. (Archaeological survey and report collaboration for TAG Historical Research & Consulting).
Starling Springs Subdivision Cultural Resources Investigation. United States Army Corps of Engineers. (Archaeological survey and report collaboration for TAG Historical Research & Consulting).
Kokanee Cove Water Line Archaeology Survey. Idaho Parks and Recreation.
Hexon Road Bridge. Key Number 27415. The Local Highway Technical Assistance Council (LHTAC) Leading Idaho Local Bridge (LILB) Program.
Marsing Solar Farm. Project Number 23533. USDA.
Syringa Fiber Optic FY23 Archaeological and Historical Survey Report. Bureau of Land Management, Four Rivers Field Office.
LHTAC LIBL-10 Bridges. The Local Highway Technical Assistance Council. (Archaeological survey and report collaboration for TAG Historical Research & Consulting).
A Cultural Resource Inventory for the Leading Idaho Local Bridge Program. Bridge Key Numbers 23785 and 23790. (Archaeological survey and report preparation for The Arrowrock Group).
Mormon Bridge, Fairfield Idaho. United States Army Corps of Engineers.
Activity Barn, McCall Idaho. United States Army Corps of Engineers.
Pine Creek Ranch, McCall Idaho. Army Corps of Engineers.
Bear Lake North and East Beach Pit Toilets. Idaho Department of Recreation.
Camp Perkins, Sawtooth National Recreation Area, United States Forest Service.
Jango Acres, McCall. Department of Environmental Quality.
Jango 1B, McCall. Department of Environmental Quality.
Homedale Municipal Airport Security Fencing Project, Federal Aviation Administration.
Brundage Mountain Resort Inadvertent Discovery Plan.
US 26 Puzzle Culverts, Bingham and Butte Counties, Idaho. Idaho Transportation Department (also Bureau of Land Management)
Archaeological and Historical Survey Report for 230 North Collins Road, Boise. US Geological Service.
Tomeda Cabin Sawtooth National Recreation Area. Archaeological Survey and Report Results for The Arrowrock Group.
Camp Perkins Archaeological Survey Sawtooth National Recreation Area. US Forest Service.
CJ Strike House Archaeological Survey and Report. Bruneau ID. Idaho Fish and Game.
Fort Boise WMA Pit Repairs, Parma, ID Archaeological Survey and Report for Idaho Fish and Game.
Dermot Putnam, 411 Valley View Subdivision (Lot 41) Stanley, ID. Archaeological survey and subsurface testing of a cabin in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area.
Boise Airport Management Plan Cultural Clearance Report. Archaeological survey and report in collaboration with Preservation Solutions LLC. FAA.
T-Mobile Project: SL02188A (Skyway Eagle) 6188 North Eagle Hills Way, Eagle, Idaho.
Archaeological Monitoring of a cellular tower installation.
Boise River WMA New Building Cultural Clearance 2017, Ada County. Archaeological Survey and Report for Idaho Fish and Game and US Wildlife Service.
Friedman Memorial Airport Land Acquisition and Obstruction Removal, Blaine County. AIP#3-16-0016-044-2017 Archaeological Survey and Report In collaboration with Preservation Solutions LLC for J-U-B Engineers, Inc.
Clear Creek Road Guardrail Project, Idaho County. Project No. A019(015) Key No. 19015 Idaho Transportation Department. Cultural Resource Survey and Report for J-U-B Engineers, Inc.
Coyote Grade Guardrail Project, Idaho County. Project No. A018(873) Key No. 18873 Idaho Transportation Department Cultural Resources Survey and Report for J-U-B Engineers, Inc.
Pine Creek Bridge, Shoshone County. Project No. A013(872), Key No. 13872. Archaeological Survey for Arrowrock Architects PLCC.
US-95 Weiser River RR Bridge, Adams County
Project No.: A013(951) Key No.: 13951 Idaho Transportation Department Archaeological survey for Arrowrock Architects PLLC.
Avimore Phase II Survey, archaeological and historical survey and report for Environmental Conservation Services, Boise.
Archaeological and Historical Report Ada County Idaho/ Linder-Chinden Property, archaeological survey and report for Environmental Conservation Services, Boise.
Mayfield Townsite Development archaeological and historical survey and report, Environmental Conservation Services, Boise.
Osprey Ridge archaeological and historical survey and report, Environmental Conservation Services, Boise.
Kastera Homes Mayfield Springs Planned Community Archaeological Reconnaissance. Archaeological survey and report for a Planned housing development twenty miles southeast of Boise adjacent to I-84. URS Corporation.
Kastera Homes Coldwater Estates archaeological survey and report for a planned community thirteen miles southwest of Nampa adjacent to the Snake River. URS Corporation.
Kastera Homes Buck 278 planned community. Archaeological survey and report for 278 acres west of Boise in the foothills between Beacon Road to the south, Horseshoe Bend Road (SH 55) to the east, and Eagle Road to the west. URS Corporation.
Kastera Homes Gopher Boise Foothills planned community archaeological survey and report for 277 acres in the Boise Foothills bordered by Hill Road to the south and extending between 36th street to the west and Bogus Basin Road to the east. URS Corporation.
URS Corporation. Kastera Homes Tiger 979 planned community archaeological survey report for 979 acres nine miles south of Nampa north of the Snake River. URS Corporation.
URS Corporation. Kastera Homes Running Horse planned community archaeological survey and report for 160 acres in agricultural land near Deer Flat Reservoir. URS Corporation.
URS Corporation. Kastera Homes Trailhead 104 planned community archaeological survey and report for 660 acres west of Boise on the northwest side of SH 55 at Spring Valley Road. URS Corporation.
Isaacs Canyon Archaeological survey and report for a 3,500-acre parcel of land adjacent to I-84. URS Corporation.
King Hill Meteorological Towers archaeological survey and report for four tower installations between Gooding and Mountain Home. URS Corporation.
Galena Communications Tower archaeological survey and report for a cell tower installation at Galena Summit, located approximately twenty-eight miles northwest of Ketchum.
Kastera Homes Osprey Ridge planned community archaeological survey and report for 1,700 acres near Mora Idaho about thirteen miles southwest of Boise. TRS Range Services.
USDA Forest Service, Plumas National Forest. Sugar Etals National Heritage Survey, Plumas County California. Project Principal investigator for Native X Archaeology.
Idaho Fish and Game Anadromous Fish Screen Program. Cultural Resources Survey and report for Goat and Meadow Creeks Anadromous Fish Screening Archaeological Services for SVCMC-01, SVCMC-02, and SVCGC-01 through SVCGC-05.
Cultural resources monitoring for the SChaC-01 Anadromous Fish Screen Structures Installation. Idaho Fish and Game Anadromous Fish Screen Program.
Heritage Program Technical Report for Galena Lodge Shovel Testing SW_03-2184. Sawtooth National Forest.
Idaho Archaeological and Historical Survey Report Cultural Resources Survey for Bohannon Creek Anadromous Fish Screening Archaeological Services for LBC-3, 4, 5, & 6. Lemhi County. Idaho Department of Fish and Game.
Idaho Archaeological and Historical Survey Report Cultural Resources Survey for Kenny Creek Anadromous Fish Screening Archaeological Services for LKC-02 and LKC-03, Bureau of Land Management Cultural Resources Use Permit ID-I-34949. Idaho Department of Fish and Game.
Upper Pahsimeroi Fish hatchery. Idaho Power Company.
Gannett to Silver Creek Bridge Project Number: NH-2340 (101), Key Number: 7028. Idaho Transportation Department District 4.
Mullan Avenue Greensferry to SH-41 Post Falls Project, STP-7645(100), Key 9026. Idaho Transportation Department.
8th Avenue West and Date Street, Jerome County, Idaho; Project No. STP-8032(002) Key No. 3787. Idaho Transportation Department.
USDA Forest Service, Lassen National Forest, California. Backbone Survey of 9,000+ acres of Lassen Volcanic Park.
Junction Avonmore Road in Gooding County on US-26, Project # ST-2350(617), K # 9109. Idaho Transportation Department District 4.
South Fork Payette River Bridge at Lowman, Idaho. Project # BR-3290(111), Key # 8093. Idaho Transportation Department District 3.
US 30 400 West Road to Burley, Cassia County Project Number ST-7622(607), Key No. 8370. Idaho Transportation Department.
Rex Leland Highway, Gooding County, Cultural resource inventory Project No. STP-2779(101) Key No.862. Idaho Transportation Department.
Marsing to Sunny Slope Curve Addendum Archaeological and Historical Survey Report Project No. NH-3250(101) Key No. 0088. Idaho Transportation Department.
Archaeological and Historical Survey Report for the Milner–Gooding Canal Bridge replacement Project No. ST-2790(610) Key No. 8261. Idaho Transportation Department.
Bellgrove to Mica Archaeological and Historical Survey Report Project No. DHP-NH-CM-5110(119) Key No. 2815. Idaho Transportation Department.
Idaho Transportation Department. Prairie Road to Huetter Ave Project No. STP-7045 (100) Key No. 8479. Idaho Transportation Department.
Cultural Resources Survey for Obstruction Removal Project AIP-3-16- 0022-16, 17 & 18 0022-1 Lewiston Airport RSA & FAR Part 77 Nez Perce County, Idaho. Federal Aviation Administration.
49 Survey. USDA Forest Service, Lassen National Forest, California. (Crew leader for Native X).
Canyon Survey of 947 acres in the Klamath River canyon for Section 110 review (Field Archaeologist for Native X). Bureau of Land Management, Klamath Canyon, Oregon.